Tuesday, 22 December 2015

German Recipes - Kochrezepte

A German-English Guide to the Cuisine of
Austria, Germany and Switzerland

The following recipes are in German and English. German (European) recipes are different from Anglo-American recipes in that they tend to use weight measurements (grams) rather than volume measurements (cups, teaspoons) for the ingredients (Zutaten). German kitchens almost always have a Küchenwaage, or kitchen scale, to measure cooking ingredients. With that in mind, we have provided some common conversions, plus links to conversion and recipe sites.
The recipes are arranged by category (drinks, main courses, salads, cocktails, desserts). If you need help with vocabulary, see our Kochglossar. We will continue to add more recipes in various categories, and we invite you to submit your own (in German!). - Guten Appetit!
Also see our German Christmas Recipes!
Note: Recipes are presented "as is" and not all have been tested personally by your Guide.
Getränke - Drinks
Berliner Punsch
  • zwei Flaschen Weißwein
  • halbe Flasche Rum
  • 500 g Zucker
  • 1 Liter Wasser
  • zwei Zitronen (oder gleiche Menge Zitronensaft)
Zucker in Wasser aufkochen. Wein und Rum dazugeben und wieder erhitzen. Zitronensaft in ein Bowlegefäß geben. Punch dazugießen und heiß servieren.
English (Berlin Hot Punch)
Ingredients: Two bottles of white wine, a half bottle of rum, 500 g (1.1 pounds) of sugar, one liter (about a quart) of water, two lemons (or the same amount of lemon juice).
Directions: Bring the sugar and water to a boil. Add wine and rum and reheat. Pour the lemon juice into a punch bowl. Pour in the punch and serve hot.
See our German Christmas Recipes page for Christmas / winter drinks (Glühwein, Feuerzangenbowle).
Nachspeisen - Desserts
Rote Grütze
  • 300g Himbeeren
  • 300g Johannisbeeren
  • 150g Zucker
  • halbe Zitrone
  • 50g Grieß
Vorbereitete Früchte kochen, durch Sieb streichen. Zucker zusetzen und unter Zugabe von Grieß aufkochen, ausquellen lassen und mit Zitronensaft verfeinern.
English (Red Fruit Pudding)
Ingredients: raspberries, currants; sugar, half lemon, semolina.
Directions: Boil prepared fruit and strain. Add sugar and bring to a boil while adding semolina. Let the mixture expand and then refine with lemon juice.

  • 6 Eier (6 Eigelb, 6 Eiweiss)
  • 130g Butter
  • 130g Schokolade
  • 130g Mehl
  • 200g Zucker
  • Schokoladenfondant
  • Aprikosenmarmelade
Butter mit Hälfte des Zuckers schaumig rühren, dann Eigelb und die flüssige aber noch lauwarme Schokolade kurz einrühren. Eiweiß mit dem restlichen Zucker zu Schnee schlagen. Beide Massen mischen, vorsichtig Mehl einrühren. Die Fettmasse darf nicht zu flüssig sein, aber auch nicht zu fest, sondern soll ungefähr die Konsistenz des Schnees aufweisen. Bei mittlerer Hitze ausbacken. Die Torte soll vor dem Glasieren gut durchgekühlt sein, daher ist es ratsam, sie einen Tag vorher anzufertigen. Die obere Kante der Torte mit einem Messer abrunden. Oberfläche und Rand mit heißer Marmelade dünn glattstreichen, mit Schokolade überziehen.
English (Sacher Cake)
Ingredients: Six eggs (separated), butter, chocolate, flour, sugar, chocolate icing, apricot jam.
Instructions: Stir half of the sugar into the butter until stiff, then briefly stir in the egg yolks and the liquid-but-still-luke-warm chocolate. Mix and beat the egg whites and the rest of the sugar into a meringue. Mix both masses, while carefully adding the flour. The combination should be neither too liquid nor too firm, but should have the approximate consistency of the meringue. Bake in a medium oven. The cake should be well cooled before glazing, so it is a good idea to prepare it a day in advance. Round off the upper edges of the cake with a knife. Spread the top and sides with a thin covering of hot jam, then cover with chocolate icing.
Also see our German-English
Menu and Dining Guide
Salate - Salads
  • 1 große Salatgurke
  • 1 Zwiebel
  • halbe Tasse süße Sahne
  • Essig
  • Zucker
  • Salz und Pfeffer
  • Petersilie, Dill, Estragon, Boretsch
Geschälte Gurke in dünne Scheiben schneiden, leicht salzen und eine Stunde stehen lassen. Kleingewürfelte Zwiebel, Gewürze und kleingehackte Kräuter hinzugeben. Den Salat gut vermengen und durchziehen lassen. Vor dem Auftragen mit Sahne übergießen.
English (Cucumber Salad)
Ingredients: One large salad cucumber, one onion, half cup of sweet cream, vinegar, sugar, salt, pepper, parsley, dill, tarragon and borage.
Directions: Cut a peeled cucumber into thin slices, salt lightly and let stand for an hour. Add finely diced onion, seasonings and finely chopped herbs. Mix the salad well and let soak thoroughly. Cover with cream before serving.
German Christmas Recipes
Our collection of recipes for the season - in German and English.
German for Beginners
Our free online German course.

Do you have a recipe in German? Email me to add a new recipe.

Related Pages

Cooking Glossary
Our German-English Kochglossar contains words and expressions found in recipes.
Measurement Conversions
Eine Umrechnungstabelle für metrische Masseinheiten. A conversion table for metric units of measurement.
German Christmas Recipes
Recipes of the season - in German and English.
Menu and Dining Guide
An annotated A-to-Z German-English glossary related to dining out in German Europe.
German for Beginners
Our free online German course.
Recipes - German Culture
Tatyana Gordeeva has a collection of articles and links related to German cuisine, some in German.
German Recipes/Oktoberfest
The About Guide for home cooking has a collection of articles and links related to German cuisine. Most are in English.
Travel Glossary
An annotated English-German glossary related to all forms of travel and travel situations.
German For Travelers: The Basics
An introduction to essential travel vocabulary, from your Guide.
A list of all the English-German glossaries on this site, from your Guide.
Online Dictionaries
Links for online and print dictionaries and glossaries for German. From your Guide.
Online Translation
Free translation for German.

German Newsletters
Subscribe to a free newsletter!
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